2Q Fundraising:
? Today is the deadline for federal campaigns to submit their quarterly reports to the FEC. We'll be bringing you a chart of key House fundraising numbers in the near future.
? ME-Sen: Jesus. Blogger collinswatch at Dirigo Blue has a post which will just make you want to bang your head against the wall. Collinswatch wanted to know why Planned Parenthood was acting as a conduit for campaign donations to Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe and got someone from PP on the phone. The "explanations" are beyond maddening, particularly when the GOP is hell-bent on destroying Planned Parenthood.
? ND-Sen: Former state Rep. and Byron Dorgan staffer Pam Gulleson, a top potential Dem recruit for the open Senate seat, had previously said she was considering the race? and is still saying the same thing, though now she will decide "only after significant progress has been made on recovery efforts" from serious flooding in her home state.
? NE-Sen: I don't usually link to this sort of thing, but Rachel Weiner at the WaPo has a pretty interesting profile of Republican AG Jon Bruning, touching on things like his past as a liberal and his connections to Warren Buffet's now-disgraced heir apparent.
? NJ-Sen: Max Pizarro at PolitickerNJ has an interesting look at two very different Republican state Senators who are both considering runs for United States Senate: Joe Kyrillos, very much an establishment type, and Mike Doherty, an insurgent outsider who backed Ron Paul in 2008.
? NV-Sen: Americans United for Change ad has a new ad out attacking Sen. Dean Heller for voting for the Ryan plan ? twice. (Recall he voted for it in the House and then again when he was elevated to the Senate to replace John Ensign.) Politico says the buy is only for $6,000, though, so consider it what Nathan Gonzales calls a "video press release."
? UT-Sen: Man, keeping track of the names of these dark money groups is becoming impossible. A new mystery 501(c)(4) called "FreedomPath" praises Republican Sens. Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee for "leading the fight to stop runaway spending." The buy is apparently for a pretty hefty $100K.
? IL-08: I'm really wondering what to make of this poll by Normington, Petts & Associates for Tammy Duckworth. It shows Duckworth leading Raja Krishnamoorthi by a 69-8 margin in a hypothetical Democratic primary. Now, I recall when Dan Seals touted similarly wide-margined polls before his second and third congressional runs, and at least the first time (when he slaughtered Jay Footlik with 81% of the vote), the numbers turned out to be legit.
But Seals was running back-to-back races in the same district. Duckworth last ran for office in 2006, has spent several years in DC, and what's more, only 56% of the new 8th was in the old 6th (the seat she sought way back when). So are we really to believe she has 76% name rec after all this time ? and Krishnamoorthi, who ran for Treasurer just last year, is at only 15%?
? MN-08: Former Rep. Rick Nolan, who left the House all the way back in 1981, officially jumped into the race for the Democratic nod to take on GOP frosh Chip Cravaack. He joins ex-state Rep. Tarryl Clark and Duluth City Councilor Jeff Anderson.
? NC-13: Yet another Republican says he's interested in running in the new 13th CD: this time it's Paul Coble, chair of the Wake County commissioners. Coble does not appear to be related to 6th District GOP Rep. Howard Coble, but he is a nephew of Jesse Helms.
? OK-02: GOP state Rep. George Faught made it official: He'll make a bid for retiring Dem Rep. Dan Boren's open seat.
? Texas: The crew at Roll Call has a good run-down on Republicans looking to run in Texas' redrawn and open seats, some of whom we've mentioned before and some of whom are new to us:
? TX-14: state Rep. Larry Taylor; state Rep. Dennis Bonnen; ex-Rep. Steve Stockman (more on him here; and one more via Twitter, attorney Michael Truncale? TX-25: state Rep. Sid Miller; state Rep. Jason Isaac; 2010 candidate Donna Campbell; conservative activist Bill Burch
? TX-33: former Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams; former Secretary of State Roger Williams
? TX-36: state Sen. Mike Jackson (also a possible TX-14 candidate); former Pasadena Mayor John Manlove (always glad to see an awesome name like that back in the mix); meanwhile, state Rep. James White is out
On the Dem side, we noted yesterday that ex-Rep. Nick Lampson says he's interested in running in the 14th. And in the new (and blue) 34th, Roll Call says that Dems are talking up state Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. or state Rep. Eddie Lucio III (father and son), but apparently neither is interested.
Grab Bag:
? Dave's Redistricting App: Dave has more data and more features. Go check it out!
? MoveOn: Liberal org MoveOn is airing radio ads in three Republican-held districts (WI-07, PA-11 & TX-27), accusing the incumbents in each case of "threatening to cause an economic catastrophe" ? without actually mentioning the words "debt ceiling" (which poll pretty poorly).
Redistricting Roundup:
? Arizona: The ref-working by the GOP in Arizona is getting ridiculous. Now one legislator wants to introduce a bill to repeal the state's independent redistricting commission, simply because the lone independent on the panel had the temerity to twice side with Democrats on hiring choices. Obviously an independent commission is only okay if it does what Republicans want.
? Oregon: It all happened so fast, we missed it at the time. But almost immediately after the state legislature passed its congressional redistricting compromise plan, Dem Gov. John Kitzhaber signed it into law. So check Oregon off the list.
? West Virginia: The Mountain State is currently engaged in a debate on the future of multi-member state legislative districts, with some folks advocating for their elimination entirely. The head of the House's redistricting committee, though, said that while their number will likely be reduced, some will be kept.
Source: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/SvTxFNFra9U/-Daily-Kos-Elections-Morning-Digest:-7-15
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