Friday, August 19, 2011

UT-Sen: Sarah Palin tells tea party to back off Orrin Hatch

Greta van Susteren and Sarah Palin are sick and tired of mean tea party attacks on Orrin Hatch and they're not gonna take it anymore!

VAN SUSTEREN: Today, I wrote on Gretawire a blog about what's going on within the Tea Party movement to Senator Orrin Hatch. I mean, he's getting attacking by a small portion of the Tea Party movement for not being Tea Party-ish enough [...] they won't look at the facts and they go after him. So it's, like, even within the Tea Party movement, there is -- you know, there's a disregard for the facts and an effort to be sort of disruptive even within the -- within the group.

PALIN: Well, and you'll find that within any venue, within any group, Greta, especially when it involves politics. But to your particular point about Senator Orrin Hatch -- he is doing good in terms of trying to get a balanced budget and he has been for the last couple of decades. [...] We need to be agreeing and embracing his idea and working with him to make sure that that happens, instead of shooing him away and shooing him out of a Tea Party movement, if you will, when he agrees with such a basic fundamental principle that we must see implemented, and that's just simply balancing the doggone federal budget!

Oooh, those nasty and "disruptive" tea partiers. Shame on them and their "disregard for the facts." Heck, I even heard a rumor that Barack Obama was the guy who invented tea partiers, just so he could use them to smear Republicans. Alinksy! Okay, I'm kidding. She probably won't go that far. But before too long, I'll bet you she starts getting close. She can read the polls too.


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