Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Darkly brown shoe and a mask

Article by Tom H.

The cat received in result has been named "khmer" in Germany and "Himalaya" in the United States. Sweden has not succeeded, France also because has concentrated efforts to a Burmese cat - the Khmer and white gloves.

In Germany of madam a background Werner has received in the beginning of the thirtieth years a cat with dark brown paws and a mask, silky wool and a beautiful round head. The German Khmer participated besides in improvement of the French Burmese cat with Caesar's de Broso (a domestic nickname - Tsitang) births of 1949. Cultivation of Khmer but France developed in 1934. M. Rieger, it has been stopped by war. The same has taken place and in the USA with the Himalaya cat, select which were engaged in Mrs. Kobb and Doctor Keeler. Their most beautiful creation, the Debutant, was born in 1935, after five years of searches. She was less typical, a little bit too "Siamese" in comparison with the European khmers.

In England researches and crossing of the Persian cats with Siamese in 1935 also have begun. Work has renewed after war from very beautiful cat with long wool, but with Siamese colours. Selector Bryan Stirling-Webb with the help of several keen people worked above breed eight years and has named its color-point. His first achievements have been submitted to the British public in 1955. Product of him has not been absolutely finished: the nose was still longish, eyes insufficiently round. But also the classical Persian was not then, in 1955, such round and short, as today.

In parallel in the USA in the beginning of the fiftieth years work on perfection of the Himalaya cat renews. The rabbit in a dark mask and shoe is already received. In genetics a gene responsible for a concentration of color on separate sites of a body, frequently name Himalaya even if he meets at the mouse. In a word, colour Siamese and colour Himalaya is same.

In America in 90th years the Persian in a mask always refers to Himalaya, but he differs nothing from an English or European color-point. CFA in the USA, GCCF in England and FIFe in Europe consider this cat as a version Persian that is a product of her evolution. It precisely admits as three above mentioned by the largest felinological associations, and also all other.

In France also are interested in color-points from the beginning of the fiftieth years, due to work of madam Gamishon in Cat-club which became especially intensive after arrival of magnificent English manufacturers, including reference Brayeri Keretselya, sent Stirling-Webb in 1957. thirty seven years later the Frenchmen have all bases to be proud of the selectors, is especial nurseries Vale Djodjo, Mogok, Chateau d'Ameli, Renue

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