2002 (MovableType, site v. 1.0)
2004 (Scoop, site v. 2.0) 2006 (Scoop, site v. 3.0) Current site (Custom backend, site v. 4.0) Daily Kos is nine years old today, which almost makes it a teenager in real years, about 3,556 years old in internet years, and 45,322 years old in blogosphere years.After four complete revisions of the site, we're downright geriatric!
Except that we're really just getting started.
We're still growing, growing, growing (chart starts in 2007):
We've also just moved into our new (and first!) office. I've spent all week moving stuff in. And don't worry, after next week, there will be a lot more orange on the walls: I'll have more photos once it's fully set up. Right now I've been dealing with getting internet hooked up (check!) and ordering furniture (not checked!).We needed an office because growth requires staff, and it's expanding rapidly. We've boosted our technology team so we can do more cool stuff on the site. We've launched two new verticals -- Elections and Comics, and we'll be announcing yet another new vertical and editorial hire by Netroots Nation.
Hunter will soon be transitioning back from the dev team to being a full-time writer.
By the end of the year, we'll have doubled our full-time employee count from 10 to about 20-ish.
And of course, our mission for a better America led by better Democrats is still in its early stages.
So I look forward to our 10th birthday, as we get Speaker Nancy Pelosi back her gavel (but without the Blue Dog dead weight of yore), regain the White House in convincing fashion (mandate!), and continue to build the technology and content offerings that make this the premier gathering place for progressives online.
Source: http://feeds.dailykos.com/~r/dailykos/index/~3/7AwlRHaXlhE/-Happy-9th-birthday,-Daily-Kos!
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