Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Benefits of Pheromone Oil

Article by Agus Topa

Pheromones are chemicals released in a variety of ways by animals to communicate something to other animals of the same species. This message may be, "I'm ready to mate," or "Stay away from my territory," or "Watch out, there is a predator near by." All animals from small insects to large fish seem to have the ability to produce and perceive these powerful chemical messengers.

In humans, pheromones are controversial in scientific circles. Some claim that humans no longer have the need or capacity to detect pheromones while others say that humans do detect and are affected by pheromones in many powerful ways. For instance, it has been shown that human females will respond to the continual presence of human males by an increase in fertility and regulation of their menstrual cycle.

Pheromones can be synthesized and made into pheromone oil that can be topically applied. These oils are sold by companies claiming that they will help you seem more attractive to members of the opposite sex, more respected by members of the same sex, calmer or happier. One scientific study showed that users of pheromone oils experienced a 50-70% over base increase in sociosexual behavior when using the human ""sex pheromones,"" androstenedione and estratetraenol. Though these claims are still in dispute in academic worlds, some consumers claim that pheromone oils can and do work.

Consequently, various companies have produced pheromone products like Nexus Pheromones to help people find partners. These products are clinically proven formulations that attract males and females. Pheromone products are created specifically for men to allow them to communicate silently to women, using only their odors. Some males use these products by blending them with their aftershaves. The Nexus Pheromones, for example, can be mixed by men in their aftershaves so that women will be able to smell their scents when they have a chance to get close to women. With these pheromone products, men do not need to take muscle pills or waste their sweat in the gym anymore just to improve their likeability; all they need is a simple scent produced by pheromones products.

However, men must not rely on pheromones products alone to attract women. They should also consider the importance of hygiene and appearance. For instance, a man uses Nexus Pheromones but he does not shower everyday, does not brush his teeth, and dresses up like a filthy street beggar. Do you think this kind of look will attract women? Certainly not, because women prefer both good-smelling and good-looking men. Simply put, pheromones products can help men lure women, but the end result also depends on the man's presentation of himself.

The aforementioned scientific discoveries and explanations may seem to be so simple that a lot of people already believe in the 'mysterious' works of pheromones to the body, specifically factors that influence the attraction between human beings. Indeed, with the use of vomeronasal organs and pheromones, people often find themselves attracted to someone they do not even know. Probably, this is the reason for that thing called "chemistry," but whatever label people attach to this kind of attraction, one thing is for sure: the effect that pheromones bring is not mere speculation but a proven fact.

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