Friday, December 30, 2011

Startling Facts About the Gulf Tragedy!

Article by Oil

The International Oil Spill Conference 2011 was held during the last week of May in Portland, where cleanup measures of the Gulf oilspill were discussed. The use of Corexit to disperse the oil was one of the most argued issues. When it comes to safety, it's always better to use eco friendly oilspill cleaners like Oil Gone Easy S-200.Oil experts from all over the globe gathered for the International Oil Spill Conference at Portland during the last week of this May. Lingering truths, new facts about the Gulf oilspill, and above all, the use of chemical oil dispersants were discussed in this conference. However, a million-dollar question that kept cropping up was the methods employed for the cleanup of the Gulf oil spill.

About 2 million gallons of Corexit were used to disperse off the 200 million gallons of oil released. The use of this chemical dispersant resulted in a 100 million gallons of oil and Corexit mixture spread across the ocean. When asked about the use of this oil dispersant in the ocean waters, the US Coast Guard officials said that Corexit was proven to be safe and scientifically justified. They also mentioned about the recent studies conducted in Norway which explained the safety of Corexit. Moreover, they argued that there is no life down the ocean to be affected by this chemical dispersant.

However, according to biologists who work for Applied Science Associates, Inc, the tests performed in Norway were not conclusive. They also claimed that life forms exist in the deep that are very likely to come in contact with this toxic dispersant. If you're a nature lover, then you would definitely not support the use of Corexit. Most of the members of this oil spill conference were of the opinion that the government is less transparent and people are not fully informed about the tragic oil spills.

With such instances cropping up every now and then, most environmentalists are calling for the use of environmentally-friendly cleaners when such large scale oil Spills are encountered.

Oil Gone Easy S-200 is an eco-friendly oil spill cleaner that degrades oil in a biological way. Initial field tests were performed on the Gulf samples with this product, and now it is being considered to clean up the Gulf waters. If this product is used in the future emergency situations, then there would never be a question of environmental safety!

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