Article by Karen Fish
King Henry VIII wrote this about his second wife Anne Boleyn: "And the oil infected blood oozed out of her eyes and her ears and her mouth and her skin until all of her bodily fluids were gone forever and she shrivelled up into a witchlike rotten prune, and her ashes were scattered on the black sea." It seems that that mole really got to him.
Today, May 19, 2010, Antipoisoner International awarded the annual BP Bloody Poisonous Award to 2008 Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin. The ceremony is to be held July 4, 2010 in London, England. The award and the green jacket are to be awarded by last year's recipient Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The media spent two years covering the last Presidential election and coverage of the 2012 Presidential election began last night with the first of countless Super Tuesdays. In the 2008 vice presidential debate, here, Palin mocked Joe Biden for calling "environmentally friendly offshore drilling unsafe and raping the outer continental shelf." Sarah Palin said, "With new technology with tiny footprints (at sea) and even on land too (like the tar sands) it is safe to drill and we need to do more of that." "Tiny footprints; safe to drill." Thank God Katie Kouric warned us that this woman had never read a magazine. Casper the Friendly Ghostwriter penned "Going Rogue - Memoirs of a Flesh Eating Zombie."
Sarah Palin had to beat back some tough competition to win the Antipoisoner International 2010 BP Beyond Bloody Poisonous award, narrowly edging out 'Wayward Hayward', Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP and chief architect of the BP Oil Spill. Today Tony Hayward called the effect on the environment of the BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill "minimal." This is why Antipoisoner International has changed the word "environmentalist" to "antipoisoner" and their motto is, "Antipoisoners, Stop the Poisoners!" Nobody understands the word "environmental." When the U.S. beaches of the Gulf and the East Coast are covered in black gooey oil let BP claim that the poisoning of America has been minimal.
Myrtle Beach S.C. is on the Ocean at the intersection of 501 and N. King's Hwy. Today the town renamed itself Dead Turtle Beach. It's part of an ad campaign to lure children to see dead turtles and the Ocean Museum. Today BP revised their count to five barrels of oil per day. On the above video, Sarah Palin rallies the troops in Florida. Sarah Palin says, "Look at these sources of energy here in Florida that are still sitting untapped and we'll tap into them along with environmentally friendly (safe, non poisonous) offshore production. We do need to drill here and drill now. Now you can chant the 'Drill Baby Drill.' Yah!"
In December of 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore gave an interview to Time Magazine in which he said, "When I was in the Snow and Ice Data Center receiving a full briefing on the polar ice caps, (the North Pole used to have ice), afterwards I would turn on my TV and there were two networks with the bulletin: 'Britney Spears loses custody of her children.' We're living in a madhouse if our priorities focus on the embalming of Anna Nicole Smith, or the trial of OJ Simpson, while we ignore the greatest crisis this nation has ever faced." Who but inmates of a madhouse or BP would pay Sarah Palin $ 100,000 to speak to them?
Insanity is when people are not aware of the nature and consequences of their actions. We came a hair from putting Sarah Palin in the White House. The oil companies must have been drooling spit like the inmates at Bellevue. Sarah Palin said, "The war in Iraq (to steal their oil) is God's Plan, and our soldiers in Iraq are on a task from God."
Actually God carved in stone Himself the 8th commandment, "Don't Steal." The 3rd commandment is "Do not take my name in vain." God also carved in stone the 6th commandment, "Don't Murder" each other and the pieces you are all made of, air, water and earth. God Himself carved in stone the covenant, the deal, in the 2nd commandment: God said, "If you break my commandments, I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren. If you love me and keep my commandments I will bless you and show you steadfast love to the thousandth generation."
A normal person would have learned from the Alaska Oil Spill of the Exxon Valdez. A normal non insane person would have learned from the BP Oil Spill underwater volcano of oil soon coming to a beach near you. Sarah Palin tweeted that her prayers are with the people of the Gulf. Sarah Palin worships the opposite of God's law, Satan's law. Sarah Palin claims to be pro life - does that include not murdering by posioning to death the water we are all made from?
Those who know the least know it the loudest. After her "Drill Baby Drill" campaign a normal person would dig a hole and hide in it forever. Now Sarah Palin is calling for more offshore drilling, in the Gulf of Mexico, on the Atlantic Coast, on the Pacific Coast, off the coast of Alaska and in the Arctic Ocean.
It is easy to blame Sarah Palin and BP and Tony Hayward and George Bush and Dick Cheney and Barack Obama for the poisoning to death of the world's air, water and earth. Let he without sin cast the first ballot. When we give up our cars and stop burning coal and oil then, and only then, can we scapegoat Sarah Palin and BP. Human beings lived in pristine conditions for 5 billion years until Karl Benz invented the car just over a hundred years ago. It seemed like a great idea at the time. Do you remember fish and drinking water not poisoned by acid rain? Yesterday offshore drilling was in vogue; you decide what tomorrow will bring. In the meantime go swimming in the ocean - it may be your last chance.
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