Article by john s
I have seen some interesting things in my time. Some things good and somethings bad. But seriously this has to take the cake. Many other people including myself around the world are getting a funny feeling about this whole BP story. There is just something on the tip of this that doesn't sit right. Maybe it is from an overdose of coffee or a lack of sleep, you be the judge but I am sure that there is more to this than saga than just some overpaid idiot worker at BP saying "ahhhh Oppsss, I think we got a leak at pipe Seven sir!!"
Yes I think you know what I mean. I am not only thinking of the damage already caused but how many other pictures we are not seeing of birds (in pic above) and other animals that will be totally wiped out becuase of this mess. Also the fact that the wild weather that always hits this region of the US is only going to make things worse if a cap fix is not sorted out very soon. What a horrible situation. SOS....
With that being the said, here is something one or our readers found. It is picture of an old board game / card game produced many years ago, where there is an image of bird in trouble, an OIL TANKER in the background sinking and oil everywhere. Hinting on the fact there is a very big oil spill. This is just one of the cards contained in a game where other cards in the deck seem to suggest links to other major events that have happend. For me to see this, it was not only spooky but sort of makes me want to get out the shovel and dig a little deeper to the meaning of all this.
Someone needs to take blame for this, there are just lots of scapegoats and finger pointing at the moment. I sure from today, there will not be a cap fix found anytime soon. And no doubt that could mean several more failed attempts.
This is a huge world disaster and many people will feel the effects for years to come. If BP are caught and found guilty of hindering other methods that could actually stop this spill, how well do you think this will go down with the good ole moms and dads out there. Interesting times ey?
And for all you munchkins that missed our latest show here it is posted below. And yes you guessed it, we cover this whole BP story since it keeps getting blasted at us morning, noon and night so it seems. So hopefully our video doesnt put you to sleep. Click the play button below and Enjoy.
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